Case Study

Business Planning Guys PowerPoint Design Seminar Deck


To create a seminar deck for education and sales purposes

Background Information:

Our client is a team of Business Planning and Development specialists who facilitate business success. BPG regularly hold seminars for business owners and decision makers. The purpose of the seminars is to inform and educate the audience upon an important business topic, and also to seed information about their Business Development Courses. A small proportion of the audience are personally invited to the taster seminars, whilst the remainder pay to attend. Therefore, it is imperative that the seminars deliver on the promise to unlock business potential and the audience perceives their time invested has been well spent. The seminar lasts approx. 2 hours and including in depth subject matter, therefore maintaining audience engagement was an important consideration factor, as was the need for the seminar to generate interest in the further paid programmes and create business leads. The client’s original seminar deck consisted of forty + slides, the majority of which were bullet points, with the occasional clipart image or table.

The Solutions

Initially, we conducted an audience audit to determine their needs, goals, pain points and barriers. Each of these were then mapped to a solution, allowing us to rationalise the content. This ensured that all necessary content was covered, and any superfluous material omitted. The rationalised content was then placed into a storyboard format and modified until the narrative flowed logically like an unfolding story. Visuals and graphics were then added to support the audience in comprehension of key principles and to aid understanding complex processes. Animations were added as this can also help the audience reach a solution at their own pace. Finally, the deck was styled in line with the business’s brand guidelines, making use of their fonts, colours and logos.  

The Results

A professional deck that represented the client’s business as one of superior expertise in their field. An engaging and entertaining deck was created achieving an impressive % increase in sales conversions. The client was able to utilise the newly designed content and graphics and visuals, developed for the deck, on other marketing tools and communications. If creating a professional looking deck for an upcoming business seminar or presentation is of interest, please join the blog/email list here.

Make your next Slide Deck one to remember!

Visuals are processed

60,000 faster

in our brains than text

Neo Mammalian Studios


B2B Prospects & customers feel their sales teams are not prepared for the first meeting


on average it takes an audience

10 mins

before they tune out unless you grab their atention