The interactive presentation is becoming more and more popular as presenters realise the many benefits. Soon the usual slide-by-slide presentation delivery style could soon be a thing of the past!

An interactive presentation can be created in Powerpoint very simply with the use of links, triggers and transitions. All you need to do is identify the areas of information you want to include, keeping in mind that each slide that you build around a subject matter is a drill-down from the previous slide. Prezi shows some good examples of this and is worth checking out for some ideas even if you prefer to use Powerpoint, you can create the same effects very easily.

So, why is an interactive presentation better than presentation the norm?

Let’s be clear, we are not saying that you let your audience interact with the presentation whilst you sit and watch. What the interactive presentation offers presenters is the ability to access areas of information very quickly. For example, say an audience member asks a question about a subject, you can easily click onto the link that takes you to the slide with that information, rather than asking them to wait until question time at the end. This creates more of conversational atmosphere than one where you talk and they listen, storing up their questions for later.

It is also helpful when you don’t know what type of personality you will be meeting. How do you know if they are highly detail focused and need lots of data, or if they are the type that would rather see the ‘bigger picture’. An interactive presentation allows you the ability to work with the people in the room and leave out any slides you consider aren’t relevant as you present. You will generate a greater rapport with your audience when you are able to work with their information needs and not force them down a path they don’t always want or need to go down.

The real trick to a good interactive presentation is having a “home-slide”. This works a bit like the home page of a website and is the anchor point that prevents you from getting lost. Make sure all of your slides have a one-click link back to the home-slide slide and you’ll always be in control. 

An interactive presentation does have to be designed differently to your usual presentation, but you should still incorporate a storytelling structure. This is because you will always need to start at the beginning and end with the completion of your goal, so if your presenting a sales pitch, your goal is to sell, so hopefully you’ve converted your audience into customers.

We have seen a significant rise in requests for interactive presentations and so if you would like to find out more email us at or call +44(0)118 304 4330